Abalone Moon Carvings
(Aboriginal Arts/ First Nation, Arts & Culture, Portraiture, Silversmith, Wood carving/turning)
Jackson Robertson was born in the Kwakwaka'wakw village of Kingcome Inlet in 1956. Jackson has been carving small and large plaques, talking sticks, paddles, bowls and rattles for over 40 years.
(Aboriginal Arts/ First Nation, Arts & Culture, Portraiture, Silversmith, Wood carving/turning)

WELCOME to Nanaimo's own
Northwest Coast Kwakiutl Carvings Official Web Page
as well as Please View our Facebook Online Gallery at
Featuring Artisan Mr. Jackson Ford Robertson Pacific Northwest Coast Kwakwaka'wakw Art
Firstly, Kwakwaka'wakw art is one of the most distinctive forms of northwest coast art. Kwakwaka'wakw artists have always been among the most innovative artists on the coast, using an individualized approach to expression and form and colours that go beyond the traditional.
Being 100% Kwakwaka'wakw, Jackson Robertson is from the Tsawataineuk First Nation located at the northern tip of Vancouver Island in a small village they call Kingcome Inlet BC.
Jackson is a 5th generation Carver and after 45 years of carving he is considered a 'master carver' From a very early age, he moved to Nanaimo to live with his grandparents and extended family. His uncles were all accomplished carvers and so by age 14 Jackson had already learned how to carves masks, bowls and talking sticks and plaques. The rest is history. Carving designs came easy and Jackson soon found his niche and continuity in the traditional world of carving legends and characters from his culture and Potlatch traditions.
To carve is to give joy to others through a piece of art that embodies meaning and cultural significance and his art will continue to live on from generation to generation.
Distinct Representation
Mythological Beings
Jackson has over the years accumulated a body of work that has been sold worldwide, many of which are bought by Local Collectors and tourists from Canada, the U.S., and around the world !
Above photo- 34" round panel Wild Woman, sold for $4000.
Many Round panels are sold by commission at 50% down.
All orders are subject to additional shipping and handling charges.
Please Contact for more Info.