Linda Anne Baker
(Art cards, Art prints, Arts & Culture, Chinese Brush Painting, Photography, Water colour painting)
Chinese brush painting; art photography
(Art cards, Art prints, Arts & Culture, Chinese Brush Painting, Photography, Water colour painting)

Linda's inspiration comes from the natural world, particularly the beauty and colour of birds, flowers and landscapes.
Originally creating painterly and impressionistic images through the medium of art photography, her passion for nature has now been translated into a love for painting the same subjects with the freedom and flow of the Chinese brush.
Linda's images have been published in numerous magazines and books and have won prizes in many national and international competitions. She has studied both Chinese brush painting and watercolour with many well-known local and visiting artists.
Since moving to Victoria in 2005, Linda has participated in the Saanich West and West Shore Studio Tours, as well as in shows at Glendale Gardens, Metchosin House, the Coast Collective and Goward House.
Currently, both Linda's paintings and photographs are available in the beautiful old Pendray House on Esquimalt Lagoon (